Lake Marion, Cloud Peak Wilderness, Wyoming

August 11-18, 2000

"In Wyoming, the beauty of our mountains is matched only by the grit of our people"

Liz Cheney (1966-)

Hike Information

Participants were Ted, Brian, Jim, ShinHan, and myself. We went to the Cloud Peak Wilderness and spent a few nights at Lake Marion.

Our basecamp was overrun with chipmunks and weasels and a vicious monster. Ted, Brian, and ShinHan conquered Cloud Peak (elv. 13,126 ft). Another day all of us did a short day hike to Gunboat Lake, reconnoitered across a rocky pass, with rocks ranging in size from grapefruits to volkswagens, to a lovely subalpine lake. After lunch, we hiked to the tip of Lake Helen and then back to Base Camp Weasel

Clod Peak

Located in north central Wyoming, the Cloud Peak Wilderness (189,039 acres) was created in the Bighorn National Forest when Congress passed the Wyoming Wilderness Act in 1984. Recognized as having some of the most majestic alpine scenery in America, this region was managed as the Cloud Peak Primitive Area as far back as 1932. This Wilderness is named for the tallest mountain in the Bighorn National Forest (Cloud Peak 13167 ft). The wilderness has the highest peaks in the Bighorn Mountains including Cloud Peak and Black Tooth Mountain, as well as Cloud Peak Glacier, the only remaining active glacier in the Bighorn Mountains.

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The  boys at trailhead  Bob, Brian, Jim, ShinHan at the beginning of the hike Jim  hiking in on the Mistymoon Trail  Jim and Shinhan at the base of the Big Valley  Bob in the Big Valley  The big valley Northeast across Lake Helen (9968 ft). Cloud Peak (13167 ft), Bomber Mt (12840 ft) Jim lounging on Lake Helen  Fireweed at Lake Helen lunch stop  The water of Lake Helen  View southeast from Mistymoon Lake. Lake Marion in distance Alpine wet spot about 11000 ft Just north of Mistymoon Lake looking northeast. Cloud Peak, Bomber Mt Looking northeast across Mistymoon Lake Trail between Mistymoon Lake and Lake Marion The south end of Lake Marion August 18th The morning of climb day. Lake Marion at sunrise  Mistymoon Lake from south shore Rock abstract on the ascent leg of Cloud Peak Moss on the ascent of Cloud Pk  Parry Primrose on the ascent of Cloud Pk  About 1/3 the way up Cloud Pk looking back. Lake Helen is way off in the distance a Ted about ½ way up Cloud Pk  On the Ridge looking north into basin. False summit of Cloud Pk to the far right  Looking into the basin to the north of the ridge. Taken from the Brian on his stomach taking dropoff picture. View looking east and down from Cloud Peak summit. The bottom of the photo shows the edge of 1000+ foot dropoff. Glacier Lake in the picture.  Long view to the east. Brian laid on his stomach  and took the bottom of the shot pointing straight down the dropoff. Glacier Lake again. Summit photo. Summit cairn to Brian's left On the descent. The western dropoff of Cloud Peak is on the right. View to the north Back near tundra. Nice clear water about ½  way down from Cloud Peakk  More grassy tundra a bit lower. Brian, Ted, and Shinhan have just met Jim on the descent from Cloud Peak Resting with Jim, Brian got a picture of a Pika  on the rock slab just above the grass (just a little left of dead center)  More grassy tundra at same rest spot  Cool rock seen during the descent from Cloud Peak Jim heading down from Cloud Peak Looking back toward Cloud Peak near Mistymoon Lake. Ted in front of Mistymoon Lake. Looking south. On the way back from Cloud Peak  View of Lake Marion to the south. Almost back home from climb. You can see where we are camped Base camp at Lake Marion The monster of Lake Marion about to attack an unsuspecting camper Bob didn’t sleep too well last night. Getting ready for our group day hike to Gunboat Lake This tree in our camp didn’t sleep too well either Shinhan didn’t sleep too well last night. But  he’s rarin’ to go.  Indian Paintbrush on the Mistymoon Trail. The day hike. Shinhan on the trail to Gunboat Lake. Mistymoon Lake in background Bob and Shinhan just about at Gunboat Lake Lake Marion (10000 ft) Unknown aquatic in Lake Helen Several photos of the unknown aquatic plant  Unknown aquatic plant II  Unknown aquatic plant III  Looking northwest (10500 ft). Base camp and Lake Marion. Looking west across Fortress Lake and then Bob and Shinhan at Gunboat Lake Ted boulders at Gunboat Lake The one that always got away. Jim for scale. In the notch west of Gunboat Lk. Shinhan is in this photo  Ted, the boulderin’ fiend. Still in the notch  Same boulder, different route  Is that a skinnydippin’ Sasquatch in the photo?!  Panorama of our campsite valley. Lake Helen visible to the left Our intrepid explorers. Our camp is to Bob’s left down by Lake Marion Ted and Jim descending to Lake Helen Jim and Bob hiking away from Gunboat Lake. Bomber Mt. Indian paintbrush (Lake Helen)  Indian paintbrush near the shore of Lake Helen  Wall tree near Lake Helen on return to camp Tensleep creek between Lakes Helen and Marion. Taken from eastern side Coming into our camp on Lake Marion. Almost home  from dayhike West Tensleep Creek Bob hiking near Lake Helen Tensleep lake looking north  View northeast across Lake Helen Ted sans pack in the Big Valley