Seven Lakes Basin, Mount Zirkel Wilderness, Colorado

August 12 to 16, 2019



Hike Information

2 day hike, Big Creek waterfall ?, camp 1 in a burned out zone, over a couple hills to camp, passed one group who said they had a n elk herd come through, nice day hike where jim did a short solo hike, wolves howled, great views, next day short hike to rocky knoll, didnt want to dscend further, nice campste by lakes, nice hike out avoided burtn area, played loud music got dirty looks lol

The Mount Zirkel Wilderness lies within the Routt National Forest in northwestern Colorado. It was one of the original areas protected under the 1964 Wilderness Act and has since been expanded twice to its present size of 160,648 acres. This Wilderness area is home to the headwaters of the Elk, Encampment and North Platte Rivers. It straddles the Continental Divide and encompasses the rugged Sawtooth Range, as well as portions of the Park and Sierra Madre ranges.

The Wilderness is named after Mount Zirkel (12180 ft), the highest peak in the Park range. Clarence King, one of the leaders of the Fortieth Parallel Survey named it after German geologist Ferdinand Zirkel (1838-1912), a pioneer in the study of the optical characteristics of thin slices of rock under a microscope (petrography).

The purpose of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel (1867 to 1872; "Fortieth Parallel Survey") was to study and describe the natural resources within a 100 mile border around the Union and Central Pacific railroads from northeastern California, through Nevada, to eastern Wyoming. The comprehensive survey, under the direction of A. A. Humphreys (military general) and Clarence King (geologist), mapped the area along 40th parallel (they couldnt name it "whats right next to the railroads that we can mine, harvest, or shoot" could they?), studying the geology, looking for gold deposits, and collecting plants and animals.

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Ted, Glacier Lilies Marsh Marigolds Snowfield on hike Columbine on the trail up Medicine Bow Peak on the trail up Medicine Bow Peak, nice Columbine picture on Medicine Bow summit with Bob on Medicine Bow summit with Bob on Medicine Bow summit with Bob on Medicine Bow summit with Bob, note the bee in the summit benchmark picture! Looking from NE (Browns Peak, 11,722') to SE (Sheep Mountain in the distance). unidentified plant, at first I though it might be the grass <i>Phippsia</i>, but it is probably <i>Carex</i> sp descending the summit ridge descending the summit ridge descending the rocky trail to the Med Bow-Sugarloaf col descending the rocky trail to the Med Bow-Sugarloaf col descending the rocky trail to the Med Bow-Sugarloaf col descending the rocky trail to the Med Bow-Sugarloaf col descending the rocky trail to the Med Bow-Sugarloaf col from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower from the col to our trailhead many of the flowers are unidentified by me except for Snow Lilies, Marsh Marigold, and White Globeflower Cool Rock unknown unknown Cool lichens unknown unknown Paintbrush Marsh Marigolds Hobin View off parking Beer Beef Stronganoff in Dutch Oven View down driveway Jean's gift Turkey foot grass Hobin unknown Sunset Ted at trailhead Saddling up at the cars at trailhead The Boyz from trailhead to Big Creek Falls from trailhead to Big Creek Falls, <i>Chamerion angustifolium</i> (L.) Golub (Onagraceae) from trailhead to Big Creek Falls Hiking through the burn area along the large Big Creek lake Large Big Creek Lake from trailhead to Big Creek Falls,  Upper Big Creek Lake from trailhead to Big Creek Falls Wilderness!! Big Creek Falls Big Creek upstream of falls and near first camp Burned tree along trail top of Big Creek Falls Jim crossing Big Creek above Falls Close-up of Falls More of Falls view of our 1st night's camp along Big Creek late afternoon hike back to Big Creek Falls late afternoon hike back to Big Creek Falls late afternoon hike back to Big Creek Falls late afternoon hike back to Big Creek Falls late afternoon hike back to Big Creek Falls late afternoon hike back to Big Creek Falls Camp Soot, day 1, Jim, Ted, Ted, Jim Brian tents Beaver ponds Water site Telling tall tales Fungus amoungus More Fireweed 1st Camp Ted 1st Camp Bob 1st Camp Trees Jim's tent Dinner Dishes By camp 1 By camp 1 By camp 1 Pano Beaver pond redux Pano Beaver pond redux Pano Beaver pond redux Big Creek Falls Big Creek Falls Flowers at Big Creek Falls Sun is setting. evening pictures of our food bags. Food Hang Sunset on slopes near Camp 1 Jim hammering up the trail (Upper Big Creek Lake is in the background) looking south from near Pt. 10,350' mellow hiking near &quotThe Apex" mellow hiking near &quotThe Apex" meadow at 10,500' Down Big Creek Drainage Big Creek Lake in distance, moving up Big Creek Lake in distance, further up Resting at Hill 10350 Ted rests along the trail One of many log crossings along the trail on Day 2 One of many log crossings along the trail on Day 2 Meadows up top near Seven Lakes Ted Approaching Seven Lakes Fungus in camp area,it did not survive our presence over 3 days Campsite area Various shots around Seven Lakes and campsite Various shots around Seven Lakes and campsite Various shots around Seven Lakes and campsite some views around our Seven Lakes camp (Davis Peak 11,422' in background) Bob and Jim near Seven Lake evening view across The Seven Lake. Camp Evening 1 Camp Evening 2 Camp Evening 3 Various shots around Seven Lakes and campsite, pano shots too From camp 2, looking west Food hanging in Camp 2 Mountain Aster Wildflowers near Camp in background Afternoon light in Camp 2 more wildflowers Ted's tent next to the fire pit Brian's tent next to the hanging food Bob pointing to his tent Jim's tent in the shade Our camp 2 cooking area and the dead trees where our water was stored Ted at camp 2 BMP rearranges Ponds1 Ponds2 Ted's Tent Our back 40 Our back 40 Food Bag Food bags hung!! Sunset time at the largest of the 7 lakes Tree near Camp Twillight clouds Closer to sunset over frog pond Sunset clouds Alpenglow to the south of camp Marsh Marigolds Bistort unknown unknown unknown rocks Sunset behind Bobs tent morning pictures at Camp Seven Lakes - Brian Parks looks good handling the food bags Jim and Ted hiking to the Divide Bluebells on hike to Divide Higher up and near the Divide Dead tree on Day Hike hiking up to the Continental Divide Up to Divide View towards Mts Zirkle/Big Agnes pan hiking up to the Continental Divide Lingering snowfield on hike to the Divide just S of camp hiking up to the Continental Divide, Brian and Bob hiking up to the Continental Divide , looking south to the Sawtooth Range hiking along the Continental Divide, Jim and Brian hiking along the Continental Divide hiking along the Continental Divide,must be Buck Mountain (south end, 11,396') Divide Hike 1 Divide Hike 2 hiking along the Continental Divide - Jim and Brian, - must be Buck Mountain  (north end, 11,377') Divide Hike 3 hiking along the Continental Divide looking south to the spectacular Sawtooth Range, Big Agnes Mountain (12059'); looking south to the spectacular Sawtooth Range, Big Agnes Mountain (12059'); more walking along the Continental Divide - Davis Peak (11,422'), Jim, and Bob more walking along the Continental Divide more walking along the Continental Divide - Davis Peak (11,422'), Jim, and Bob in 0608 - the panorama 0610-0612 is found in Zirkels 2019 Seven Lakes -> Pictures -> Ted John photos -> panoramas -> 04.East from Continental Divide 14 Aug 2019 (note the Snowy Range to the NE) - Jim, Bob, and Brian in 0614 and 0615 (with a portion of the northern Buck Mountain on left edge of image - these images look ~WNW to the Encampment River drainage); more walking along the Continental Divide, Jim, Bob, and Brian, with a portion of the northern Buck Mountain on left edge of image WNW to the Encampment River more walking along the Continental Divide Bob, Jjim, and Ted on the Divide. Big Agness in the background Another shot of the boyz along the Divide with Big Agness Looking SW from the Divide Jim on the Divide. Mt. Zirkel on the left and Big Agness on the right Pt1 of pano from the Divide Pt2 of pano from the Divide Pt3 of pano from the Divide Pt4 of pano from the Divide The Boyz hiking down from the Divide return to Camp Seven Lakes, Davis Peak (11,422') return to Camp Seven Lakes, Davis Peak (11,422') return to Camp Seven Lakes return to Camp Seven Lakes return to Camp Seven Lakes Jim with cool rock outcrop along the Divide Ted on a high point (11145) along the Divide Pt1 of pano from high point above Pt2 of pano from high point above Looking back at our Camp from the Divide Another shot back toward Camp Strange alien has landed in our Camp! Long View of Camp Zirkels from Trail 1 Zirkels from Trail 2 Bob and Ted Figurin' BMP and Jim Selfie BMP on snow Side Trip View Sunset1 Sunset2 evening pictures around Camp Seven Lakes. evening pictures around Camp Seven Lakes. evening pictures around Camp Seven Lakes. Color picker of Ted's tent Color picker of Bob's tent Color picker of largest of the seven lakes Still trying to get the color right on the Mountain Aster. Too rich! Taters for dinner!! The The finished dinner with quick pickle on top Jim. Color picker yellow/orange Jim becomes a rodent Approaching sunset over largest of the Seven Lakes Different exposure of above a bit later Normal mode on camera Wicked clouds near sunset to the SW Sunset clouds. Sunset mode on camera My tent at night Bob's glowing tent Brians tent (red) and the Moon Unknown flower Unknown flower Brian and Jim, Buck Mountain/Sierra Madre Unknown Ted walking along ridge towards Stonehenge View from Stonehenge Davis Peak Big Creek Lakes Ted, Brian, Big Creek Lakes Seven Lakes Ted Seven Lakes Back to camp Jiffy pop Jim Ted Brian Water area pictures around Camp Seven Lakes pictures around Camp Seven Lakes pictures around Camp Seven Lakes hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071', attempts to photograph some <i>Carex</i> species hike up to Point 11,071', Brian on the trail hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071', may be <i>Poa compressa</i> L. (Poaceae) "Canada Bluegrass" hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071', Bob climbing up to 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' Hiking up to 11071 NW of camp hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071', nice views of Seven Lakes (and Jim and Brian) from somewhere on 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071', nice views of Seven Lakes (and Jim and Brian) from somewhere on 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071' hike up to Point 11,071', <i>Pedicularis racemosa</i> Douglas ex Benth. var. <i>alba</i> Pennell (Orobanchaceae) "Sickletop Lousewort" From 11071 summit Pt1 of pano. Another shot from summit… more SE Pt2 of pano Pretty shot Unknown Davis Peak Zirkle Big Agnes Pretty shot Bob Brian, Ted, Jim Davis Peak Bob Brian, Ted, Jim Davis Peak Least chipmunk (<i> Neotamias minimus</i> ) hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area, <i> Erythronium grandiflorum</i>  Pursh ssp. <i> grandiflorum</i>  (Liliaceae) "Avalanche Lily",   "Elephant's Head" hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area, the outlet for The Seven Lake hike around the Seven Lakes area, <i>Peducularis groenlandica</i> Retz. (Orobanchaceae) hike around the Seven Lakes area, <i>Peducularis groenlandica</i> Retz. (Orobanchaceae) hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area, Bob going one way and Jim going another way hike around the Seven Lakes area, Bob going one way and Jim going another way hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area hike around the Seven Lakes area Hike around Seven Lakes Hike around Seven Lakes Pano Red Elephant Mountain Pano Red Elephant Mountain Pano Red Elephant Mountain Unknown evening pictures at Camp Seven Lakes. Jim and Brian ready for the hike out Brian on the trail within the beetle-kill and burn zone (near Big Creek Falls) Another shot of sunrise a bit later Another shot of above Wildflowers near camp at sunrise Dishwashing area at sunrise BEST color capture of Mountain Aster Another shot of largest lake at sunrise Water plants in lake Looking across largest of Seven to our Camp. Brian's tent visible Another of above Looking across largest of Seven Bob finding a way through the mucky tundra Wildflowers near dishwashing area Color picker of Ted and his tent Color picker of largest of Seven looking up while lying on my back...resting. Frog pond with 11071 in background Ted getting reading to strain noodle water Straining noodle water. Nice pot! Dinner ready to eat! Washing dishes Water shot near dishwashing area Largest of Seven Jiffy Pop done! Jiffy pop ready to consume Bob contemplating wonderful things Sunset of largest of Seven Sunset clouds from Camp Another of same Reflection off frog pond One of Seven Lakes Eel grass? Wildflowers Clouds at sunset, various, including Frog Pond Clouds at sunset, various, including Frog Pond Clouds at sunset, various, including Frog Pond Clouds at sunset, various, including Frog Pond Clouds at sunset, various, including Frog Pond Clouds at sunset, various, including Frog Pond Hiking out. Crossing logs. Smallest of Big Creek Lakes in background One more! Jim at DIA Bob standing in wagon ruts of Oregon trail at I-80 Eastbound restarea just east of Sutherland NE Largest diesel locomotive ever built. On bluff of Kenefick Park in Omaha NE. Right near NE/IA border An evening view if The Seven Lake.  Bob and Jim can be seen toward the left of the image and our tents are out of view at the right end. Point 11,071' is on the left and Davis Peak (11,411') is in the distance at the center of the image. Looking south to Mt. Zirkel (12,180') and Big Agnes Mountain (12,049').  Flattop Mountain (12,118') is to the left and further south of Mt. Zirkel.  Little Agnes Mountain (11,497') is peeking over the ridge toward the right.  Images taken from ~11,200' on the Continental Divide. Snowy Range, Wyo is in the far distance, Upper Big Creek Lake is close to the center, and Red Elephant Mountain (11,569') is at the right end of the image. From left to right: Point 11,071', Davis Peak (11,411'), Seven Lakes, and Snowy Range in far distance. Looking south from Point 11,071' across the Continental Divide to Mt. Zirkel (12,180'), Big Agnes Mountain (12,049'), and Little Agnes Mountain (11,497'). Looking south across The Seven Lake to the Continental Divide. Continental Divide