Missouri Basin, Collegiate Peaks Wilderness, Colorado

August 12 to 15 1998

"The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders"

Edward Abbey 1927-1989

Hike Information

This year, all four of us (Jim, Ted, Brian, and Bob) were able to make the hike. We met at Ted's house in Laramie and then drove down to Leadville Colorado. Leadville is known for many things, among them being an area where gold and silver was mined, as well as being the highest incorporated city in the United States. Currently the Climax mine supplies molybdenum. We spent a night in Leadville and went shopping in many of the shops along main street. Of course, we also checked out the famous Ski Fence, a classic must see for Leadville visitors.

The next morning, we did a short drive to the Pine Creek trail head. We then did a quick hike along Pine Creek to our base camp near Little Johns cabin below Mt Oxford. For years we had been wishing for a camp wench to prepare meals and keep us company during those cold evening nights. And on this trip, our wishes were fulfilled!!! She was a lovely little thing, ready and waiting to please. In light of current events at the time, we christened her Monica. She was shared by all.

The 14ers in Missouri Basin were an extremely easy climb. Brian and Ted got all the way to the top, Jim and Bob partway. On the way down, Bob crashed into a tree and cracked his ribs, which took 8 vexing weeks to heal. The next days day hike was nice and relaxing, although we did have to spend some time in Little Johns cabin to escape one of the afternoon thunderstorms common in The Rockies during the summer months. We hiked out the next day, with lovely Monica in tow (she needed some assistance to get out, poor fragile thing). We got some nice comments about how she looked from people hiking up the trail. She did us proud. We spent another night in Leadville, and then separated at Denver International Airport.

The Collegiate Peaks Wilderness (168,000 acre) was designated by the United States Congress in 1980. It is located between the towns of Leadville and Buena Vista to the east, Aspen to the west, and Crested Butte to the southwest. Most of the area is in the San Isabel and Gunnison National Forests, with a smaller area in the White River National Forest.

The Collegiate Peaks area includes much of the Sawatch Range and has the highest average elevation of any wilderness area in the United States. Five of the area's 14,000-foot (4,300 m) peaks are named for famous universities and colleges, including Mt. Harvard, Mt. Oxford, Mt. Yale, Mt. Princeton and Mt. Columbia. These peaks are the source of the name for the wilderness area, which includes them all but Mt. Princeton. Other fourteeners in the area include La Plata Peak, Mount Belford, Huron Peak, and Missouri Mountain. The Collegiate Peaks also includes several notable 13,000-foot peaks including the Three Apostles, a chain of three mountains. The middle peak of the Three Apostles is also referred to as Ice Mountain.

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Bob, Brian, and Jim on Pine Creek Trail Near Base Camp Spartan, looking downstream Pine Creek Brian making a wobbly Pine Creek crossing; near Little John's Cabin Looking west from Pine Creek/Colorado Trail junction A smoky campfire East from the south slope of Mt Oxford. East and west Buffalo Peak. Looking down south slope of Mt Oxford Southwest from South slope Mt Oxford. Pine Creek. Looking southwest into Missouri Basin from south slopes Mt Oxford. Emerald Peak (13404 ft) South from the slope of Mt Oxford. Mt Harvard (14414 ft) Mt Yale (14196 ft) Brian on south slope Mt Oxford Brian on summit Mt Oxford Northwest from summit Mt Oxford (14152 ft) North northwest Mt Oxford summit. Mt Elbert (14433 ft) North northeast from Mt Oxford summit. Arkansas River, Mosquito Range upper right Looking down Pink Creek Valley near Little John's cabin. Base Camp Spartan located just above cabin in trees. Harebells (<i>Campanula rotundifolia</i>) and Mt Harvard Bob and Monica Looking downstream (east) Pine Creek drainage. Base Camp Spartan is located about in the middle of picture. West Buffalo Peak (13326 ft) East Buffalo Peak (13300 ft) Pine Creek. Base Camp Spartan located just off the left middle of image. West Buffalo Peak and East Buffalo Peak visible The famed Ski Fence in Leadville Bob is enjoying his lap dance Early evening view from Campsite of Mt Oxford. Late afternoon sun on Waverly Mountain Alpine flower near Elkhead Pass (ele 13000 ft) Approaching Elkhead Pass Looking southwest (12500 ft) into Missouri Basin. Emerald Peak on right (13904 ft) Looking south into Missouri Basin (ele 12500 ft). Looking south into Missouri Basin (ele 13300 ft). Brian in Missouri Basin View south southwest upper Pine Creek drainage Pine Creek Sunrise! Mt Belford (14146 ft0, Mt Oxford (14193 ft) Brian descending from Mt Belford. Emerald Peak (13904 ft) Elkhead pass to right. Storm over Missouri Basin Ted at Elkhead Pass Brian on south summit ridge of Mt Belford. Mt Harvard (14414 ft) View north from summit Mt Belford (14196 ft) North northeast from Mt Belford south summit ridge Looking into Missouri gulch from south slope Mt Belford (ele 13350 ft) Northeast from summit Mt Belford West from Mt Belford. Mt Oxford, West Buffalo Peak and East Buffalo Peak. South in Missouri Basin.  Mt Princeton (14197 ft), Mt Yale (14196 ft) View from summit Mt Belford. Mt Harvard (14414 ft),  Mt Princeton (14197 ft) Mt Yale (14196 ft) Brian near summit Mt Belford East southeast view from summit Mt Belford West view from Mt Belford. Missouri Mtn (14067 ft), Ice Mtn (13951 ft), Hruron Peak (14003 ft) Brian resting summit Mt Belford Pretty stream and wildflowers Base Camp Spartan panorama 1/2. Elevation  10700 ft. Mt Oxford (14153 ft) Base Camp Spartan panorama 2/2. Elevation 10700 ft. Pine Creek Pine Creek Base Camp Spartans Monica is a cutie Hiking out with Monica She is a trooper Beaver Pond Ted, Bob, Brian at trail end Looking west to Mt Massive (14421 ft) Jim, Bob, Brian at trail end Looking southwest trailhead Looking west to Mt Massive (14421 ft) Mt Massive trail Mt Elbert (14433 ft, highest peak in Colorado) from Mt Massive trail (ele 11600 ft) Looking up the east slope of Mt Massive From ele 11700 ft Mt Massive trail. East and West Buffalo Peaks, Twin Lakes, Mt Oxford Can you find all three ptarmigans? Approaching summit of Mt Massive. The actual summit is to the right View from summit Mt Massive (14421 ft). Panorama 1/2. North Halfmoon Lakes,  Pyramid Peak (14014 ft), Maroon (14156 ft) and North Maroon (14054 ft), Snowmass Peak (14092 ft) View from summit Mt Massive (14421 ft). Panorama 2/2.  Pyramid Peak (14014 ft), Maroon (14156 ft) and North Maroon (14054 ft), Snowmass Peak (14092 ft) Mt Sapris (12953 ft) South from Mt Massive. Mt Oxford (14153 ft), Mt Harvard (14420 ft), Mt Elbert (highest peak in Colorado, 14433 ft), Three Apostles (Ice Mountain) 13951 ft)Bull Hill (13761 ft), La Plata Peak (14336 ft) Looking south southwest (ele 13900 ft) from Mt Massive slope. La Plata Peak, Frasco Benchmark (13876 ft) Looking north (ele 13000 ft) from Mt Massive slope. Mount of the Holy Cross (14005) Summit Ridge of Mt Massive (about 14300 ft). Is that some ice grass (<i>Phippsia algida</i>)? Alpine flowers at 14000 ft Northwest from the summit of Mt Massive Northeast of Mt Massive. Leadville in distance At the trailhead Brian, Ted, Jim, Bob Monica is deflating Ted, Bob, Brian Jim on trail by Pine Creek Smokey chat Jiffy Pop™ View from the summit of Mt Oxford Base camp Spartans from Mt Oxford Missouri Basin (Brian off in distance) Ted on Mt Belford Brian just off Mt Belford summit Brian and Ted just off Mt Belford Summit Missouri Basin from Elkhead Pass Missouri basin Bob resting in Missouri Basin Bob hiking out with camp wench Nice View