San Francisco Bay/Montery Bay Buoys
The Coastal Weather Buoy (CWB) network consists of a series of moored buoys, primarily located within the exclusive economic zone of the United States, which provide meteorological and oceanographic data in realtime. Also shown are several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (CMAN) statopns (land based nearshore observation stations). These networks is administered by The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) is a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS).

Air Temperature Water Temperature Wind Direction @ Speed Wind Gust Speed Barometer Barometer Trend Wave Height Wave Dominant Period
ID | Name | Time PDT |
Air °C |
Water °C |
Wind kph |
Gust kph |
Baro hPa |
Trend hPa |
Waves m |
Period Sec |
46014 | Point Arena, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
PTAC1 | Point Arena, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
ANVC1 | Arena Cove, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46013 | Bodega Bay | No recent reports. | ||||||||
PCOC1 | Port Chicago, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
PRYC1 | Point Reyes, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46214 | Point Reyes, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
TIBC1 | Tiburon Pier, SF Bay, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
RCMC1 | Richmond, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
AAMC1 | Alameda, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46026 | San Francisco, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
FTPC1 | San Francisco, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
RTYC1 | Redwood City, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46012 | Half Moon Bay, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46091 | MBM0 | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46042 | Monterey, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46092 | MBM1 | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46093 | MBM2 | No recent reports. | ||||||||
MTYC1 | Monterey, CA | No recent reports. | ||||||||
46028 | Cape San Martin | No recent reports. |