San Francisco Bay/Montery Bay Buoys

The Coastal Weather Buoy (CWB) network consists of a series of moored buoys, primarily located within the exclusive economic zone of the United States, which provide meteorological and oceanographic data in realtime. Also shown are several Coastal-Marine Automated Network (CMAN) statopns (land based nearshore observation stations). These networks is administered by The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) is a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS).

Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

 Air Temperature   Water Temperature   Wind Direction @ Speed   Wind Gust Speed   Barometer   Barometer Trend   Wave Height   Wave Dominant Period 

Point Arena, CA (46014) - no recent report available Point Arena, CA (PTAC1) - no recent report available Arena Cove, CA (ANVC1) - no recent report available Bodega Bay (46013) - no recent report available Port Chicago, CA (PCOC1) - no recent report available Point Reyes, CA (PRYC1) - no recent report available Point Reyes, CA (46214) - no recent report available Tiburon Pier, SF Bay, CA (TIBC1) - no recent report available Richmond, CA (RCMC1) - no recent report available Alameda, CA (AAMC1) - no recent report available San Francisco, CA (46026) - no recent report available San Francisco, CA (FTPC1) - no recent report available Redwood City, CA (RTYC1) - no recent report available Half Moon Bay, CA (46012) - no recent report available MBM0 (46091) - no recent report available Monterey, CA (46042) - no recent report available MBM1 (46092) - no recent report available MBM2 (46093) - no recent report available Monterey, CA (MTYC1) - no recent report available Cape San Martin (46028) - no recent report available

ID Name Time
46014 Point Arena, CA No recent reports.
PTAC1 Point Arena, CA No recent reports.
ANVC1 Arena Cove, CA No recent reports.
46013 Bodega Bay No recent reports.
PCOC1 Port Chicago, CA No recent reports.
PRYC1 Point Reyes, CA No recent reports.
46214 Point Reyes, CA No recent reports.
TIBC1 Tiburon Pier, SF Bay, CA No recent reports.
RCMC1 Richmond, CA No recent reports.
AAMC1 Alameda, CA No recent reports.
46026 San Francisco, CA No recent reports.
FTPC1 San Francisco, CA No recent reports.
RTYC1 Redwood City, CA No recent reports.
46012 Half Moon Bay, CA No recent reports.
46091 MBM0 No recent reports.
46042 Monterey, CA No recent reports.
46092 MBM1 No recent reports.
46093 MBM2 No recent reports.
MTYC1 Monterey, CA No recent reports.
46028 Cape San Martin No recent reports.


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Weather events can dramatically change rapidly, so plan ahead and check government sources